Tom Hoover (autog
Tom Hoover (autographing an air filter lid), Herb McCandless (middle), and M-Code(Terry Cooper)"Coop"

Tom Hoover (autog
==== A message from Ted Struse / Project Six Pack =====
Just wanted to drop off a quick note to say thank you for making all of us in the crew of Project Six Pack feel so much at home during the Lift-off hood reunion at Carlisle. The amount of cars that showed up was impressive, and it was especially good to see so many of the liftoff hood variety in one place. Thanks to all those who took the time to come by and say hello, and make us feel like part of the family. The wellspring of feelings from seeing so many old friends we knew and old friends we never knew we had; those who had read the articles and followed along with us over the years, was almost overwhelming at times. You have indeed honored us with your presence, and left us with a warm feeling that no matter the miles or the cost, it was worth it.
To the Lift-off hood Club, Lisa, and all the Carlisle crew...Congratulations on a job well done!
-Ted Struse and the crew of Project Six Pack
Ted and crew-
Thanks for coming! What an awesome weekend and ceremony-- with so many worthy people.
We here are thankful to have been in some way responsible for you folks finally getting some long overdue- well deserved recognition!!
We thank you for holding the A12 banner high at the track all these years!! Your accomplishments have done much to further the legend of the A12.
What a week to remember! Thanks for making the trek cross country and being there!
-Terry Cooper

Tom Hoover (autog
It was an incredible weekend. To try to sum it up in one post would be impossible. I'll just say the cars stole the show, despite the presense of all the legends (Hoover, McCandless, Karakashian, Struse, etc) who were hanging around our tent.
But what impressed me most, aside from all 55+- (might've been more if Cindy hadn't stopped by) the A12s in one place, was finally meeting so many of this group.
Yanno....when we sit here and exchange messages with each other for a couple of years, you can't help but draw impressions about individuals. Right or wrong, good or bad- it happens. I can only say that each and every impression was immeasurably exceeded by the reality of this weekend. What a solid group of guys we have! I'm convinced, as I'm sure all who were there are, that my 'good friend count' has gone up about 20 clicks. What an event and how rewarding it is to know so many good friends all around this continent! We have an incredible group of guys with incredible cars. Like Fred says- "the greatest car show I've ever seen".
Way too much to say in one post. Aside from the regulars here there were many others from Canada and the US who we met. Others who lurk and contribute from time to time just walked up to us to thank us for the forum and the benefit they've experienced from the shared collective knowledge. You can expect forum attendance to grow.
Great great stories from- and what a ceremony for Ted. Project Six Pack involved so many guys through the years who were willing to follow Ted....really an amazing story of loyalty and vision. Mr Hoover just blew everyone's mind with his first hand accounts of the A12. Herb McCandless and his involvement with Chrysler and all testing-- I promise to post more of all later on.... but let me run this quick one by you as Frank, Lon and I just heard this today from Bob Karakashian:
Bob was Tom's young neighbor way back when. Bob wanted a 440 Dart but Tom suggested he wait as "something he might like was coming out soon". Bob took the advice, bought an A12 and began mixing it up with the neighborhood competition. Hoover, decided since Bob was a friend, and street racing kid he could utilize Bob and his car as a sort of test mule for street racing. It got to the point where Chrysler was removing Bob's motor, refitting it and the trans with special goodies- then sending Bob out to whip up on the locals. That's the abbreviated version, but the point is Bob's car was essentially Hoover's secret test mule for street racing...and Bob knew how to maximize that advantage. We've simply MUST put up some hard pages for Mr Karakashian either here or at the Registry as he and his car are extremely important in the scheme of the A12 legend.
Much more later. Gotta get unpacked and straightend out! Exhausted but in a very good way.
This pic is from the top of the gigantic Dodge Truck. Saturday afternoon at the height of the car count. If you look close on the left hand side (runner side) you'll see Dave Watt (between the 5th and 6th car) carefully recording the new car VINs- Lots of other guys in lots of other pics to be shared later. The green tent w white stripe on the right side foreground was the A12 tent-- where Lonny distributed clothing and served as information to so many pedestrians (thanks for all the work Lon!). The tent is where Ted's car (P6P) and Bob K's car were-- all the legends were there. Man I wish you all could've been there too!!!
-Terry Cooper

Tom Hoover (autog
This car was one of the nicest A12 at the reunion.
Dane Young brought this car in with his Dad- and I got a chance to talk to him about the resto.
Turns out this resto took 11 years plus- as he was really strung out from situations out of his control. He had followed the strictest standards, checking each and every detail with Gibson and others of equal weight. But that was the easy part compared to the cost and obstacles he had to overcome. One instance that comes to mind-- the time all of his key parts were in FLA waiting to be restored when a hurricane hit the restorers business dead on. It took him months- perhaps it was closer to years (I can't specifically recall) to get those parts back and finished as the restorer had lost everything-- his buildings, power for months, the parts, etc etc.
When I first saw this car it was being unloaded on the fairgrounds. Of course it drew lots of attention. One bystander in particular looked very footloose and anxious to talk to anyone connected with the car. I watched intently as he milled around trying to figure out who the owner was. Once he had a make, he approached and stated the following...(and I'm paraphrasing) "How much do you want?" [Dane looks at this stranger like he's playing around and ignores the question] Again he asks "What will it take?" [Dane now thinking he might be serious looks at him like he's crazy. He sees the pouch he's waring around his waist and had to wonder if the guy had that kind of cash in hand] Once more he asks "Name your price- What will it take? Will 80 do it? Just say the word and I'll have 80K here tomorrow" [Now Dane is shaking his head. His car isn't even off the trailer and he's getting hit on by a very-very serious buyer. Dane just took his card saying "Not now" and that he'd let him know if interested later]. Very surreal.
Now that's my best recollection, but for the most part pretty dang close!
After this I had a chance to talk to Dane about the car and his plans. I asked specifically what he was going to do (with the car). He paused, thought, and looked me in the eye "I don't really know". You could see the confusion in his eyes. See, this car is too nice to drive, yet he has all of his money tied up in it. At that moment I saw the downside of owning a car too nice to drive. This guy wanted to drive it after all those years and frustrations- yet dared not thinking the loss of concourse quality might not be worth it.
Dane if you're out there keep us posted buddy- please. I'd love to keep track of that magnificent 4 speed console car!
-Terry Cooper

Tom Hoover (autog
A gentleman came up to our tent and showed us this copy of one of those full sized broadcast sheets. These are the ones they hung on the front of the rads as the cars came down the line. This was found in his A12, and I can't remember where. At the bottom in crayon you can see the '6PA' which is probably the start of '6PACK'(?) Never seen one of these before. Wish I could remember his name.
Tom Hoover (autog
Tom "When we introduced the A12 package the Hemi was dead") Hoover (black shirt) and John "they took away 125 horsepower from us but we figured out how to get 115 HP back and still stay within the rules" Wehrly.
-Mike Rosso
Tom Hoover (autog
Talk about a “captivated audience”. I thought the stories were great (a little biased on my part ) and it seemed to be the entire story of the “Package Cars” and how the A12 Package really came to be.
I think I even see a few "watery" eyes in the crowd amongst the smiles, I know mine were. This was just one of the highlights of the A12 Reunion
-Mike Rosso
Tom Hoover (autog
You know what, to me this A12 looks BAD@$$ Dstryr
-Mike Rosso
Tom Hoover (autog
MikeE said, "That's right, this is not my first rodeo"
-Mike Rosso
Tom Hoover (autog
My repro aircleaner lid with the autogrpahs of Ted Struse, Herb McCandless, Bob Karakashian, Tom Hoover, John Wehrly, and Jim McCraw.
-Frank S.
Tom Hoover (autog
Here's the man and his car (Brad you were asking for pics).
I introduced myself and shook hands on his way in. Looked like he was in a rush to find a parking space as they were evaporating quickly....and later turns out-- to change a diaper. Yeah, that would put a rush on things.
-Terry Cooper
Actually, that's the man, his oldest son, and his car.
Oh, and the diaper changes took place much later that day on his youngest son.
Hmmm... I really look like crap in that picture... should probably stop spending time on Moparts and start working out again.
-Brad H.
Tom Hoover (autog
Here's the W. P. Chrysler Museum display tent A12 RR.
Check out the coil mounting and the battery wing nuts and.....we need to get with the WPC Museum and help them straighten a few things out......just kidding
I'm just glad that the A12 is a part of their history display.
-Mike Rosso
Tom Hoover (autog
Hi guys back from a 12 hour trip but ready to do it again what a weekend! Kevin I hope I have pics of that Saturday night at the tavern but sorry for that 5 o'clock in the morning (GENTLEMAN START YOUR ENGINE) you know Kevin...at a show like this you got to be early in the morning if you don't want to miss anything...and for you guys that couldn't make it for the show...well I hear someone that was involve in this one that they were planing one in 2009 for the 40 anniversary...so come on you guys who couldn't make it get back at your workbench and get it ready for that date. No excuses will be allow!!!
Tom Hoover (autog
Frank it was great to sit down and have breakfast with you on Sunday and get to know you. Terry, Steve, Rick, Lon, Mike E, Gary, Chris, Mike, Gimpy, Steve, Thunder and his group from Canada and everyone else that I talk to It was a pleasure to meet you all and hang out I will never forget It !!!
Tom Hoover (autog
I'll take this opportunity to say thanks to you all that did all the work. The "souvenirs" are beyond cool, Lon, Gary Props to the guy (Lon) for the wooden nickels, icing on the cake.
Terry, Frank, registry Dave and all who gave us the reason to have such stuff to look back on.
Everyone else I shook hands with, or wanted to, yet missed.
I'll admit I had no idea what to expect out of an event like this and was in sensory overload within an hour or so after I arrived.
I walked around until after dark, every car was beautiful and every car was perfect just as it was.
And thanks to every owner who's car I said OMG to and took a picture
Tom Hoover (autog
A pleasure to meet you! Awesome job. Coming from Nebraska is no small feat. I wonder if I'd tow my car to a reunion in Nebraska some day. Incredible.
We all owe you our gratitude for helping to pull this off both before and during the event. Not everyone knows that you and Lon were pretty much the anchors that held down the tent and car field on our forums behalf.
Don't forget the tent was supplied to this informal 'club' which has no officers or appointed leaders. A12 owners we've never heard from before as well as the general public were swarming the field and tent trying to gain info on the cars, A12 apparrel, etc etc. Lon and Frank stepped up and took control of what could only be described as a chaotic situation.
Whenever one of us had to go back and check the swaps, or leave for some other reason, we could always count on Lon, Frank, and Frank's brothers to stay and watch over things during the mayhem. Always on top of the goings on, making sure everything worked out.
I don't know what you do for a living Frank, but I'll bet it's some kind of supervisory position as you're a natural. It made things easy on us all. Thanks!
And your car was distinctive in several ways-- all of them good.
-Terry Cooper

Tom Hoover (autog
Friendships formed over the weekend will undoubtedly last a lifetime. I hope to see this group together again sometime between now and the 50th anniversary in 2019.
I did not take the time to snap nearly as many pics as I would have liked. Attached is, from L to R, Terry Cooper, Gary Fast, JohnRR, Dave Carson and myself (posterchild for Lon's new line of A12 clothing!).
-Frank S.
Tom Hoover (autog
There is not much else to comment on by now as you guys have very completely summed up the experience we all shared over the weekend.
After the friendships made, the greatest thing I brought back from Carlisle was the history lessons learned from Tom Hoover, John Wehrly, Herb McCandless, Bob Karakashian, and Ted Struse.
Many of us were fortunate to sit and listen to Tom H. describe the advent of project cars and for him to come to the conclusion that most street hemis were too much for most owners to keep tuned. The 440 6BBL project though largely the responsibility of the late Dick Maxwell, was a car the entire group was determined to build as a simpler street racer than a hemi.
It was eerie to hear them say how the dominance of the hemi came to an abrupt end with the introduction of the lift-off hood cars......WOW!!
These guys have told their stories to countless people before us, but they still have the enthusiasm to tell it as if it were the first time ever.
Not often are these guys in the same place at the same time to share the history with a younger generation like ourselves. It was truly an honor to be in the presence of such humble legends from Chrysler's golden years
-Frank S.
Tom Hoover (autog
WOW, What a show!! I flew in on Thursday ( the plain hit a air pocket and droped ) and it was non stop from there. I met some very special people and now I can put the names with the faces. I met Bob K. and not realizing that it was him till hafe way through the conversation!! JohnRR....I thought you would be much bigger?! I got to see my old A12 Road Runner (black on Black) and talk to the current owner. The hole A12 crowd welcomed me and I was happy for that. I handed out solenoid flyers to most everybody I saw and that triggered many conversation. It was a wonderful time and I thank you all for a memorable time.

Tom Hoover (autog
Terry Cooper, Mike E and Gary Fast, must all be Road Runner owners as they are 3 short of a SIX PACK!!!
This car was making the rounds Saturday night down in the lower hills of the swap area. If you’ve never been in the swap area at night try to imagine a community unto its own-- with its own laws and its own justice system. A community made up of characters resembling those from Mad Max Thunderdome, Godfather II, and Deliverance. Simply put, when it gets dark in the hills of the swap area community law takes over. Sure Carlisle has a few guys in golf carts making the rounds, but the real authority comes from the neighborhood watch gang. All that vendor merchandise sitting out in the open or under tarps seems to be ripe for the taking….but think again. Last year a guy was caught stealing under the cover of night and some of the vendors beat him right into the local hospital. I tell ya, there’s nothing like sipping a few with some friends while listening to the crickets and the sound of the mopar community enjoying the summer night.
By coincidence in the tent behind us was Frank Badalson, Roger Gibson and friends. We made some small talk with them as we waited for some of the forum to meet us at one of our friends site. They never showed because it turned out we were in the wrong location! -- and had made ourselves at home at some big ol country boys camp. When they walked up and asked us what we were doing in their chairs…. we sure felt stupid, and quickly blamed it on the beers! Luckily they were cool about it. The guy playing the pipes in the vert came by a few minutes later. He was the icing on the cake.
-Terry Cooper
Tom Hoover (autog
Hey guys just wanted to put in my The show was awsome I got overwheled with the swap meet area or should I say acreage? Did not get to talk to you guys that much, my fault however I did get a brief chat with Mike, from Mo. I think he goes by 69 Scat bee offered the use of his canopy on Fri and Sat. super nice guy also Gary (Fastbird) thanks for the banner going to look great in my garage. Talked to Seth J sweet looking black Bee. Also got to talk with Terry ( Coop) briefly and didn't make me feel like an idiot when I did not know who all the Big Shots where.
Missed out on the autograph session again my own fault I was not prepared for what Carlise had to offer
I would like to echo everyones statements on what a great turnout this reunion got great group of guys
-Cordialy Tony
Tom Hoover (autog
I would hardly credit myself with being "responsible" for the reunion.I just threw the idea out there and some other fine souls ran with it and made it happen. And as a side note I still say if we were all using our real names there would have been a much better meeting of members.This "handle" crap is for the birds.I had a hard time keeping track of people even after I met them. Come on guys use your real names!! Oh and I had a great time
-Seth Jones
Tom Hoover (autog
Beer run PA style.
Tom Hoover (autog
Here's Seth J (responsible for this little get together) Dave W (was busy getting info on cars) and Gary F in the dark hours of Friday.
-Terry Cooper

Tom Hoover (autog
Man, where to start? Arrived at 7am on Thursday with some vendor friends and took the car to the showfield in the late morning. Got a little worried with 30 AAR and TA's already lined up and myself wondering if I had the right show. Checked the dates and was relieved I had it right. Shot the breeze with Jeff Bangert and Barry Washington and Barry busted on me by saying, "Rick it was just a big Moparts joke, can't believe you fell for it." Thanks dude, it made me laugh.
Early afternoon I see an enclosed roll in from PA, yep Lon is here, what a sight as he rolled his Platinum out. Another and another start to roll in, we are gathering momentum. Friday was incredible and Saturday blew my mind. I have been coming to Carlisle since the early 90's and can't remember more than 10 in a year. I counted over 50 just by myself. This has to be a national record for liftoffs in one place since Lynch Road 1969.
The best part of the weekend were the guys. What a bunch of class acts and Mopar nuts all rolled into one. Great to hang with you all, Frank, Mike's, Lon, Kevin, Dave's, Coop, Fast, Steve's, Quebec boys, Canadian boys, is Quebec part of Canada? Ed, Brad, JohnRR, and anyone else I missed.
I went to cover my car one night around 10pm and ran into Lon and his brother doing the same and ending up telling car stories and talking life well into the wee hours, way cool. Steve(69v2bee) came over too, always enjoy NJSteve.
Piled 3 friends in one night and hammered the car 8 miles on 81 to Applebees. Did a beer run another day thru a drive thru beverage store with my brother in law and nephew, the old girl is still recording memories. That is what it is all about.
Special thanks to Kevin and Lon for being my mother and getting on my case to finally get registered. Great job, well done! After I registered couple weeks ago , Kevin comes back with "about time". All you guys with Coop, Gary and others made it happen, golf clap everybody.
Another thanks to Jeff Bangert and Barry Washington for just being their helpful selves. You guys bust your nits and it shows every Carlisle. Congrats on a national record turnout of side exhaust beasts.
Jeff, thanks dude for the celebrity pick on my car, it meant a lot, but better yet, letting the model pose with my car up on the hill. I might be getting a new avatar if it is allowed.
-Rick W.

Tom Hoover (autog
Here is the only A12 in the buildings, what an awesome machine! An A4 Platinum Metallic car with a vibrant blue bucket seat interior, the pics really don't do this one much justice as this combo just POPS out at you in person.
Thanks for checking out the car. Too bad we didn't have more time to talk. I had a lot of old friends stopping by pretty steadily and a lot of interest in the car.
Bill Overcash helped me out with some vent wing channel gasket material that got mentioned on a post in the Forum about a week before the show. He sent me what I needed overnight and did not know me from Adam. The last thing that my wife and I did at 4:30 AM the day of the show after pulling two all nighters in a row was to install the vent windows. We made it in style! It was down to the wire but all worth it.The motivation was owed primarily to this Forum and help from some friends. It virtually made a difference between making it to Carlisle or giving up and staying home. It was a great weekend and worth all the sleepless nights and busted knuckles for the last month before the show!
I am really excited about it and pretty pleased with myself for getting it done in a year with all things considered. I have twice as many hours in the motor as I do in getting the car assembled! It's all factory stock appearing with the original std bore pistons, balanced and blueprinted with a hot hydraulic cam at @500hp on the dyno! I still have to get it aligned and inspected but expect to have a 1/4 mile time to report at some point.
John D.

over (autog
Well, all I can say is the '05 A12 Reunion was one of the most memorable events of my car life. Seeing over 50 of these "Factory Beasts" in one spot was overwhelming. But more overwhelming was the friendships that were forged. Spending time together with all of the personalities we grew to know over the past couple years is what will be embedded in my mind for years to come. Wednesday BBQ with Dstyr (Frank) and his brothers. Getting up early on Thursday to start the 13 hour trek to Carlisle with Frank and brothers. Friday morning was spent wiping down our rain drenched cars and meeting the likes of Lon, Kevin, Rick, Steve, MikeE, Seth, DaveC, DaveW, and one who became a close friend, Terry "Coop" Cooper. Thank you for all of your support and friendship. Saturday was the day to take in as much as Carlisle had to offer. What a great Reunion. I look forward to '09 with great anticipation.
-Gary "Fasbird" Fast
Tom Hoover (autog
Coop and I were surrounded by two giant bookends.
Frank(Dstryr), Fasbird, Terry(M_Code_Copp), Rod(Lemon Twist)
-Gary Fast
Tom Hoover (autog
Here is Chris(Beequik), Kevin(Kevin69bman), and MikeE(RapidRunner) trying to decide why eveyone thinks the Runner is the much more desirable A12
-Gary Fast
All I can say is that All the folks that I met this weekend were really nice and easy to get along with-And what an AWESOME display of Iron!!!The pictures of all the cars lined up are a once in a lifetime experience. It was fun and the weather turned out good -got my annual Carlisle sunburn.
-Chris (BEEQUIK)
Tom Hoover (autog
Thanks for all the effort in putting together the web site picture package of the A12 Reunion. Was really a great time! The best memories of course were: having my 2 boys down there w/ me and seeing them get out their towels and wipe down the car and seeing the pride they took in doing it (without me having to ask), meeting everyone from the A12 site and putting faces w/ names, the seminar and me wiping the tears from my face as Ted gave out his awards, being able to be "under the tent" w/ Bob K. and Ted and the gang w/ Project Six Pack - oh the stories I got to here - and the hour I got to spend w/ Ted & Jim McGraw and no one else was almost priceless and finally I got to "turn out the lights and close the door on the best A12 reunion to date!".

Tom Hoover (autog
"So there I am at the Washington airport baggage claim and here comes the box with the Edelbrock manifold, then the box with the carbs and then on the conveyer this big fiberglass hood........"
-with Tom Hoover
Tom Hoover (autog
Great turnout guys! (and gal) I saw one lady owned Bee there, was Anita the only lady there with an A12?
I do think that Rick was getting worried that he would be the only A12 owner to show up, he was there alone for HOURS. It was fun picking on him.
See you all at the 40 year reunion I hope?
T/Ake care,
-Barry Washington
Tom Hoover (autog
Gary "Fasbird" Fast(-Dry)
"It just looks like Wet Paint"
-Mike R.
Tom Hoover (autog
The greatest car show I've ever seen, and having my car there just made it even better! I'm still so keyed up from the show and the great drive home I don't think I can sleep, but I'll have to try bacause I have to go back to work in the morning.
Tom Hoover (autog
Right now being tired as I am, I can only add one comment...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Definitely a great weekend. After a few years of chatting here it was great to have finally met some of the guys behind this nutty A12 forum and of course I had to throw a few jabs in on Gary Fasts car when I arrived Some people just like to put certain things in the wrong place I'll tell ya you guys have done a wonderful job with your cars and deserve a round of applause !!!
Tom Hoover (autog
Ever see a nicer chorus-line of A$$'s in your life???? NOT ME
-Gary Fast
Tom Hoover (autog
Next Reunion, someone tell that "idiot" who owns the Bahama Yellow Road Runner, I think his name is Fast, to keep his hood down for the photo
-Gary Fast
Tom Hoover (autog
Fasbird and Drmopar (Mike) are very happy the rain finally stopped on Friday.
Tom Hoover (autog
WOW! What a weekend I never in my wildest dreams expected to see so many lift-off hood cars, meet so many great people, be so close to Project Six Pack and sit in a bench racing session with the Project Six Pack crew and Bob K. I want to thank everyone for the comments on the Platinum one, makes the work put into it as of late worth while . To enjoy a weekend like this with my boys is as MC say - "PRICELESS".
Talk at you later,
Tom Hoover (autog
To all the A12 guys,
you guys sure know how to show someone how to throw a get together!
It was rocking to walk down the isle between them cars with dodges to the right and plymouths to the left! I went up and down about six times
-Dave (LimeliteAero)
Tom Hoover (autog
Jason K from Ohio stopped in with his notebook full of broadcast sheet, tag, and pics. It's an Alpine white beauty under resto. This young man is part of the A12 future. He signed the banner "Next Generation" Thanks Jason!
I wanted to Thank you all for your hard work with this event. It was great to be a part of it. Had a great time meeting all of you.
-Jason King
Tom Hoover (autog
Mike E's Dad- who's responsible for Mike getting this car long ago, Mike, and a friend.
Tom Hoover (autog
Rhino and his B5 Runner done by Julius. Recently changed the previous blue interior back to white- which is correct for his car. Ryan came in from Chi-town where he's a plumbing contractor. I think it was the only B5 Runner there.
-Terry Cooper
Tom Hoover (autog
Here's a good one. Rick W (Mr Norm's TA) stopping the cart ladies who are delivering the Reunion plaques to the tent. Soon after the pic was taken the ladies whipped out a breathalyzer and escorted Rick away.
Seriously, Rick was the first one there and one of the last to leave. My thanks to Rick for finding me the last H wheel I'll need, at a very reasonable cost, and it's a 4/2 which matches my set.
If you look in the background you'll see Steve Juliano (grey shirt) talking with one of the plaque delivery ladies
-Terry Cooper
Tom Hoover (autog
The man and his monster. Ted was really pumped all weekend. Brought in some guys from my neck of the woods who were very familiar.
-Terry Cooper
Tom Hoover (autog
Hulk Hogan, Mike, Frank, myself and Lon.
Rick W.
Tom Hoover (autog
Steve S and his black bee. Steve- was like me- trying to cover all bases all weekend long. Steve was one of the easiest going guys there. Always willing to help despite running back and forth from Seminar- to ceremony- to swap meet- to show field etc etc.
-Terry Cooper
Do you have an empty spot on the wall beside your Lift Off Hood car? How about a full size poster of the great "back in the day" Ma Mopar advertising? These high quality posters are available either laminated (plastic encased and are indestructible) or on 39 pound bond (perfect for either dry mounting or framing with glass).
1. SIX PACK TO GO- 24x31 $12/$9 30x39 $17/$12 36x46.5 $25/$17
2. SUPER BEE SIX PACK ORDER TODAY- 24x31 $12/$9 30x39 $17/$12 36x46.5 $25/$17
3. PLYMOUTH TELLS IT LIKE IT IS- 24x32 $12/$9 30x40 $17/$12 36x47.5 $25/$17
4. RE-UNION- 24x49 $15/$10 30x61 $20/$15 34x69.5 $30/$20
5. RE-UNION (with all the cars in attendance)- 24x49 $15/$10 30x61 $20/$15 34x69.5 $30/$20
Save $10 by buying three or more posters!
And to make a great deal even better how about a 24x31 poster of your own car for $8 laminated or $5 bond! Either pick your car out of the Re-Union poster or send me a high quality scan.
All poster sizes are in inches and all prices are in US funds. Shipping and handling is fixed at $17 per order anywhere in North America. The posters will be shipped in a hard tube by courier and delivery should be expected in less than two weeks from receiving your order.
A small portion of the proceeds will go to keeping this Registry On-Line. Please email me to get these posters at liftoffregistry@hotmail.com
Additional Mopar posters are available, please inquire!

Tom Hoover (autog
One for sale in the Car Corral.
Tom Hoover (autog
Another one for sale.
Tom Hoover (autog
A black but originally R4 Road Runner for sale.
Tom Hoover (autog
A cool Bee for sale.
Tom Hoover (autog
The last of the four A12's that I seen for sale.
Tom Hoover (autog
The Re-Union wouldn't have been complete without this Super Bee! Yeah this was the 1st one; the Pilot Super Bee!!! Originally painted R4 sprayed by Chrysler Butterscotch because they thought it would photograph better! Check how they blacked out the engine compartment so the Bright Red wouldn't bleed threw in the photo's. This car has been carefully restored back to how it was bought by the original owner. The present owner is his son! The car has stayed in the family all of those years! Incredible car and even better story!!!
Tom Hoover (autog
Gary Fast with Tom Hoover getting a couple of autographs. Please check out the Ultra Cool Banner that Gary had made up for the event!!!
Tom Hoover (autog
Mike Rosso in the Vitamin C (not Spanish Gold) golf shirt having Mr. Six Pack Bob K. autograph his air cleaner lid. Please note Tom Hoover in the background and check out the black Carlisle 2005event t-shirt featuring Project Six Pack!!!

AAlso part of the Re-Union were some match races at South Mountain Dragway! Wanna see Project Six Pack run threw the 1/8 mile? Click here to see the video shot by Frank S.
Here are some more thoughts of Ted Struse:
I'm absolutely amazed at the quality of the video and pixel density that a camera of that size can produce. So many of my friends have sent me pictures from the Carlisle event that I can be sure the memories won't
fade. You, Coop , and your friends in the club who helped put the event together should be very proud of what you produced with limited resources. It just shows that true dedication and caring about what you're doing will overwhelm all kinds of potential adversities. The plaque from Carlisle is going on the wall of my office with the national record certificates, and is most appreciated. To get some sincere recognition and appreciation after over three decades of effort, and to know that those efforts were appreciated means a great deal. The experience of meeting you guys and getting to share our mutual affection for these great cars was wonderful.
But even more important was the fact that it gave me a chance to say " thank-you" to members of my crew, past and present, in the presence of folks like Tom Hoover and Herb McCandless and engineers who actually
designed the 6-bbl.
Everyone had such a great time, and it was good for the Colorado bunch to experience some of the excitement accorded the car as it returned to the area of the country in which it achieved its initial reputation as a force to be reckoned with in Stock eliminator.
Speaking of videos, the ones that John Pappas did , particularly theracing scenes, have become a great visual aid in explaining to friends and neighbors what the car actually does and how it looks and sounds while it's doing it. For over 20 years , my wife Dianne and I have spent Thanksgiving
and Christmas with friends that also moved from Philadelphia to Colorado . He's also my doctor, and likes cars, but has never gotten around toseeing the car race . I took the DVD to Christmas dinner and played it for them, and despite the many times that I explained how fast the car was and how successful it was, they were flabbergasted, and finally started to understand what the car was all about. Well, as usual, I'm getting long winded, but I think you know I do appreciate all you have done. One thing for sure, the A-12 cars will never
be an obscure package again. We're all still " fired up " and I'm looking to get about another 10th of
a second out of the 60-foot times while we are looking for someone to buildus a proper racing intake manifold for the low deck block . I think 9.80'sare possible with the 6-bbl set up on the present 451 . Keep in mind, this
engine was built back in 1993, so it's really running quite well for its age. I hope you and your family have a happy and healthy new year... Thanks again for everything.
Ted Struse
PS. Say hello to all the guys in the group and give them my best.

Tom Hoover (autog
Sharing the tent at Carlisle was another unbelievable Lift Off Hood car, please look closely and check out the Michigan plate....yep Mr 6 Pk, Bob Karakashian was there! Another original owner car!
Before we go any further you gotta see this bad boy take a run down the 1/8th mile by clicking here.
Tom Hoover (autog
In this shot you can just make out the wear on the right side of the upper rad support. Bob explained that his car has had so many engine/trans pulls (from the days of Chrysler using it as a secret test mule) that the paint wore off from water bucket fillings. This car retains complete original interior and paint. An incredible piece of Mopar history. What a great time we had reliving those days with ‘Mr Six Pack’, Bob Karakashian.